Kushana Pictures

Here are some pictures from both the manga and anime of Kaze no Tani no Naushika, only these pictures'll be of Kushana. (Thumbnail format, hopefully)


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Gondolas in Venice; Actual size=240 pixels wide

Above: Kinda ugly...

Picture below's not full-sized. It's my favorite, though... -_-

My favorite!!

Kushana and Kurotawa, a very nice picture; Actual size=180 pixels wide

Below: A captive picture Above: One of my favorites!!


A composite manga image

Kinda ugly....

Below: The first picture I ever saw of Kushana. Above: A picture of captive Kushana, not very good quality

The first picture of Kushana I ever saw.........

This one's kinda ugly too Actual size=240 pixels wide

Below: Cute! Above: I really don't know where this pic's from.

Kushana icon, small