
Welcome to Torumekia- my first Miyazaki related webpage. Hopefully, you'll learn something here.


About Me | What Discouraged Me From Nausicaa | Weird stuff.... | Memorable Quotes | Humor/Stuff | Kushana Pictures | A Basic Resume/Profile | Free Email | Background: Torumekia | Favorite Links | Polls/Quizzes | Contact Me

My newest page dedicated to my current favorite anime characters: Princess Kushana, from Kaze no Tani no Naushika. If you haven't seen this movie/read the manga, i suggest you do, as I'll make occasional references to the movie, but i haven't read the manga yet.

Currently, I'm working kinda hard on this page. You probably won't find too much yet, and i'll post below when I do. I might add links, downloads, images, whatever I can find.

What's New?

Here I might add an entry whenever I make an update to my web site. Where appropriate, I'll include a link to the change. For example: 11/16/01: Created

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How much do you like Kushana as a character??

A door; Actual size=180 pixels wide

This is Princess Kushana, on her throne with the royal symbol of Torumekia on her crown.

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